Angel Warriors of Bainbridge Island

In May, I had the greatest pleasure of being invited to teach my workshop to a fabulous group of friends. They were originally inspired by a painting called Angel Warrior and they have committed themselves to 5 years of art retreats to excavate, research and create their own personal idea of Angel Warriors. Of the 10, some are painters and mixed media artists, but for the most part, they are women who are newly diving into art with wholeheartedness.  What they are creating together is simply inspiring.

Their courage, love for each other and generosity were as astounding as the beauty of the Island itself. I was treated to an awesome massage, fabulous dinners, amazing dinner conversations, 2 fun birthday parties and a room above a completely stocked studio on the Wacky Nut Farm. I went on hikes in the gorgeous woods, did yoga in a studio above the horse barn, and soaked in the Washington weather otherwise known as Forest Bathing. I got introduced to Mary Oliver's work, watched 9 women comfort and love a friend in great need and did some paintings that I love. I got a private tour of Islandwood, a beautiful school situated on 250 acres on Bainbridge Island, that teaches the love of the environment, sustainability and art to kids in 4th and 5th grade. I got to know these 10 super smart and caring women and now call them my friends. Everything about my trip was amazing! Thank you again Debbi and all of you ladies! I can't wait to go back! I took a ton of photos, but here are a few favs......

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Forest Bathing

Hall Hill Labyrinth by artist, Jeffery Bale and Prayer Wheel by artist, Tom Jay

My prayer is that we all live in the complete awareness of LOVE and FREEDOM